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Extrema Global Featured in The New York Times

Excited to share that Extrema Global has been featured in The New York Times! This recognition underscores our dedication to providing real-time information on how to stay cool and safe during extreme heat conditions. The article highlights the app’s features, including temperature, air quality, and heat risk levels, as well as the coolest routes and places to rest in cities like Athens, Paris, Milan, and Rotterdam. We are honored by this acknowledgment and grateful for the support from users and community.

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2023 WMO State of Climate Services Report

At EXTREMA Global, we're at the forefront of revolutionizing how cities tackle extreme heat. The 2023 WMO State of Climate Services report underscores the critical link between climate and health, and our initiative takes center stage in addressing this challenge. Athens, in the midst of a scorching heatwave, became the testing ground for our innovative app, proving its effectiveness in providing real-time, city-specific data to citizens and authorities. With a core focus on health protection, our free, multilingual mobile app offers current heat risk assessments, directs users to the nearest cooling places and drinking water spots, and even supports multiple profiles for checking on family members. We've expanded our services to cities like Milan, Paris, Rotterdam, Greater London, and in the USA, fostering a global network committed to making cities more resilient to extreme heat. Join us in navigating the future of heat resilience and building a sustainable, safer tomorrow.

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Reportage in French/ German ARTE.TV Channel

A 23 min extensive documentary/ reportage in German TV channel ARTE.TV that described the July 2023 "Cleon" 14-days heat wave that hit Greece and the densely populated capital Athens. Temperatures of up to 45 degrees endanger many people. The metropolis wants to counteract this with emergency plans and an action plan for more cooling. Watch the new feature of EXTREMA Global that suggests walking via shaded streets with threes and the air quality add-on live in the streets of Athens.

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Global Chief Heat Officer on Greek TV

Dr. Eleni (Lenio) Myrivili shared on the show "Society Hour MEGA- Koinonia Ora Mega" tips to cope with the heat. With the temperatures being particularly high, she gave recommendations to keep safe. She also presented Extrema Global application as a tool very useful to citizens and visitors, showing the temperature and air quality at user's location in real-time and which are the coolest parts of the city.

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Street Trees in Cool routes

The 2023 heat season is approaching and EXTREMA Global app has just launched a brand new feature for the City of Athens. In the new version available in Apple App Store and Google Play, the cool routes are optimised to go through streets with high tree density! There is also a new button to switch on and off the trees on the map. After sunset the cool routes are based on temperature distribution and they avoid taking the user through parks. Download the new app now!

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Arsht-Rock HeatWave Categorization in the app

Because the health risks of heat waves are more severe than any other natural disaster and increasingly common, the Arsht-Rockefeller Resilience Center is developing innovative, location-specific warning and categorization systems that are centered on human health outcomes. In summer 2022 for the first time categorization of heatwaves was implemented in 5 cities including Athens, Greece, with local partners from the National Observatory of Athens and Lenio Myrivili, Global Chief Heat Officer. EXTREMA Global app was customised to be consistent with this ranking and the risk and suggestions page was modified accordingly.

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At the Athens International Airport

In collaboration with Athens International Airport a #CoolAthens/EXTREMA Global graphic has been uploaded and is being presented, in a loop along with other material, via the screens located at Athens Airport’s terminal and in specific above check-in counter positions and at baggage reclaim area. A video is being presented in separate screens in various airport locations. The new app version includes more translated features, 6 languages and predefined popular tourist attractions in the Cool Routes add-on!

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#CoolAthens Campaign

The City of Athens suggests EXTREMA Global app to check your heat risk and find the cooling spaces near you and along your route. As very hot days and heat waves are increasing due to Climate Change, the Municipality of Athens is giving priority to its heat resilience through a series of initiatives under the #CoolAthens campaign. Downloading the app is No 1 advice in the survival guide for the Athenian heatwaves.

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Gold - Best City Awards 2022

Very excited to announce that the City of Athens got a GOLD award in Best City Awards 2022, for EXTREMA Global and the Air Quality add-on! The award was under the Category Sustainable City | Climate Change. Athens was the first city that adopted EXTREMA and has contributed to its functionality!

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In GEO Highlights 2021

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a global intergovernmental partnership of 112 United Nations Member States plus the European Commission, 138 Participating Organizations, and 17 Associates, working to improve the availability, access, and use of Earth observations for a more sustainable planet. EXTREMA Global appears in the GEO Highlights 2021, with a presentation of the main features entitled "Helping Cities Become Heat-Resilient " (p. 33/48).

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In "Heat is killing us - and the economy too" by the Atlantic Council

Kathy Baughman McLeod in her article published in the site of the Atlantic Council mentions that "Beyond the workplace, there are steps we can take on an individual level. All Americans, no matter where they live, should conduct their own personal heat risk assessments. Do you have underlying conditions? Are you diabetic, obese, or suffering from a heart or respiratory condition? Are you over seventy years old? All these factors can make you more susceptible to heat. Do you know how to recognize the warning signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and do your friends and family? Do you have air conditioning in your home? If not, can you safely get to a cool place—with a friend or relative, for example, or at a local cooling center or even a shopping mall? As with everything these days, there’s an app for this. EXTREMA allows you to input key information and then alerts you to your personal risk and recommends a route to a cooler location."

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Announcement of Kalamata joining EXTREMA Global

With temperatures rising above 40 C in parts of Greece, the City of Kalamata announced today the endorsement of EXTREMA Global. Kalamata is a popular coastal destination in the Peloponnese attracting many tourists in the summer. The team welcomes Kalamata and is looking forward to assist in making Kalamata heat-resilient!

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In the material of the #HeatSeason Campaign

The #HeatSeason Campaign of the Atlantic Council in 5 languages will raise awareness around the impacts of extreme heat, drive passion and urgency, reach city decision makers, and provide solutions-focused guidance and act as a catalyst for change. EXTREMA Global is featured in the campaign toolkit!

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Mentioned by international organisations and city networks

EXTREMA Global has been mentioned in tweets regarding the #HeatSeason by the Adrienne Arsht – Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Resilient Cities Network .

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In a Press Release of Athens Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis

The announcement comes as several European cities endorse focused action on extreme heat and the protection of vulnerable people, launched by the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center’s City Champions for Heat Action initiative. EXTREMA Global  is mentioned as an app which provides personalized information to city residents and visitors about their heat-health risks.

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In an article in Press by Athens Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis

Mayor of the City of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis,  in his article dedicated to heatwaves, suggests EXTREMA Global  as an innovative solution for Cities to become more effective against Climate Change. Article in Greek.

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In "Heat and health in the WHO European Region: updated evidence for effective prevention"

EXTREMA project has been featured in the updated publication (2021) of the World Health Organisation European Region for Heat and Health. In particular in the 3rd Chapter on Accurate and timely alert systems: health warning systems under 3.3 Innovations and future perspectives.

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In GHHIN web site

The Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN) is an independent, voluntary, and member-driven forum of scientists, practitioners, and policy makers focused on improving capacity to protect populations from the avoidable health risks of extreme heat in our changing climate. EXTREMA Global is included in their list of "Tools, Products and Services".

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In the list of actions by the Municipality of Milan for Heat

Comune di Milano included EXTREMA Global in their campaign for heat, as they acknowledge that summer heat represents a real stress on Milan's urban and social system. Milano has included a network of more than 580 public drinking water spots (Casa dell' Aqua and Fontanelle) and is using EXTREMA Global to inform citizens about the location of the nearest water spot.

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In Italian newspaper La Stampa

The article reads: [...] As in Milan, where the Municipality launched the application "Global Extrema": «There are fountains and houses of water, but also the cool paths to get there- says Pietro Pelizzaro, of the Directorate of Resilient Cities Milan-, in addition to the museums, which are free for those over 65, and the social centers, for the elderly, who are citizens more vulnerable to heatwaves"

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